Getting started recording can seem confusing and expensive – I remember how overwhelmed I was when I started recording myself.

I created this course to teach recording in the easiest possible way – starting with your smartphone, and moving up to a full professional production. The course also covers tuning, muffling, how to make drum covers, recording eKits, and more.

Investing in your recording skills will help you collaborate with other musicians, create online drum content, and “teach yourself” by documenting your drumming – it’s a skill every drummer should have.

“I’ve been recording drums from home for 5+ years and wanted to improve the quality of my tracks as well as my ability to engineer myself. This course helped me achieve that and more in a way that’s easy to digest. Starting with one mic recording all the way to tracking a full large mic setup, Tim really breaks down the skills needed to be a better recording drummer and engineer. He even covers drum tuning and how to make a “drum cover” video. The information Tim covers is incredibly valuable.”

- Nate O.

Nashville Pro Drummer

“I purchased Tim’s Drum Recording for the Working Musician course because of the respect I have for Tim and his process. In this day and age, I’ve seen the increasing importance of being able to record your drumming without having access to the best studio, microphones, or other equipment. I enjoyed getting perspective and advice from someone like Tim who can break things down in a way I can easily comprehend. Tim has created a methodical series of lessons in this course and I refer to it often and can’t recommend it enough.”

- Mike M.

“I have purchased every course that Tim offers. Every one of them is thoughtfully put together, with clear and concise directions. Beyond that, Tim is available to help talk you through any major snags. Tim’s courses are among the finest anywhere that you can purchase. Don’t hesitate to purchase Drum Recording for the Working Drummer. It will surpass your expectations!”

- Pete S.

Independent Drummer and Producer

Companies Tim has worked with:

Recording Skills For Any Budget

Don’t have the money to invest in a studio right now? That’s fine – this course begins by walking you through how to get a solid drum recording using only a smartphone.

Great recording isn’t about gear – which is why anyone, with the right approach, can get a solid drum recording.

This course demonstrates how to record using a variety of microphone setups that accomodate any budget. But it isn’t just for beginners – we will also walk through a professional Nashville recording session.


The "Audio Tech Wizard" Myth

For years I thought you had to be an “Audio Tech Wizard” and know all the science and nerdy audio stuff to record drums well. You don’t.

The fundamentals of getting a great recording aren’t complicated – and I promise they don’t require a degree in “audio nerd”.

I have a degree in MUSIC, not audio – so this course is taught with the drummer/musician FIRST. That means as little confusing audio/tech language as possible.

Recording = Teaching Yourself

After years of recording myself, I’ve learned it doesn’t just help me get session gigs and create content – it has also unlocked the ability for me to “teach myself”.

By having quality recordings of myself to listen to I can observe my playing like an audience member and begin to teach myself where my weaknesses are.

Whether you want to teach yourself drums, collaborate with band mates, or make drum covers/content…your drumming will thank you for investing in your recording skills.

About this Video Course (20 videos total + PDF booklet):


  • The goal of this course is to teach you how to record drums in the least complicated way possible. Recording can seem like a complex and expensive area reserved for “audio tech wizards” – but getting clean recordings doesn’t have to be difficult
  • Knowing how to record can help you collaborate with other musicians, create music content for YouTube/Instagram/etc, and help you “teach yourself” by enabling you to document your drumming journey and observe areas that need improvement
  • When I began recording myself I felt overwhelmed by all the technical terms and gear involved. This course is what I WISH I had when I started recording – enabling you to skip all the YouTube hunting and google searching I had to do to figure these techniques out
  • To start recording drums in this video course, you don’t need ANY recording gear – just a smartphone. I wanted to be sure that anyone could use this course without spending any money on “gear” – and pretty much everyone I know has a smartphone.
  • This course begins with how to get a solid drum recording using only a smartphone and as the course progresses we will cover various other microphone setups you can use to record your drums
  • Topics “Drum Recording for the Working Musician” Will Cover:
    • The recording “fundamentals” (touch, tone, and tuning)
    • How to record drums with your smartphone (if you want to get started recording without buying any gear)
    • Gear you’ll need for more advanced recording (microphones, interfaces, etc)
    • Recording Setup #1: One Microphone
    • Basic Mixing/Processing
    • Intermediate Mixing/Processing
    • How to record in GarageBand, Logic Pro X, and Pro Tools
    • Recording Setup #2: 3 Microphones
    • Recording an Electronic Drumset (and mix it to sound better)
    • Recording Setup #3: Close Mics and Overheads (7 mics)
    • How to Make a Drum Cover Video
    • Recording a Song Start to Finish (in a professional Nashville overdub session)
    • Basics of Acoustic Treatment
  • *FREE BONUS LESSONS INCLUDED* – How to Tune and Muffle Drums (7 lessons)
    • Head Selection and Options
    • Basic Head Tuning and Fundamentals
    • Tuning the Snare
    • Tuning the Toms
    • Tuning the Bass Drum
    • Muffling and Dampening
    • Changing Snare Wires
  • My goal for this course is to transform you from a drummer who isn’t collaborating with other musicians or documenting their drumming journey because the “audio tech wizard” has made the art of recording seem too complicated/expensive into a drummer who can confidently capture their drumming using a variety of recording setups to allow for more music making and creativity on the drums.
  • This course is delivered in PDF format – how it works:
    • Click “add to cart”
    • Once you add the course to your cart, you can “view cart” and checkout (via PayPal)
    • After your payment goes through you’ll be redirected to a download page (and a copy of the receipt and download links will be sent to your email)
    • Click the download link and you’ll download the PDF course booklet that contains all the video download links. Also included in the PDF booklet: course overview, tips and recommendations, key commands/shortcuts, and reference diagrams for things covered in the course

Have a question? Email me at – I’ll help however I can!

Who is Tim Buell?

Tim is a professional drummer and educator who owns and opperates a home studio in Nashville. In 2022 he was nominated for a Latin Grammy for his drumming on “Alfa y Omega” and regularly records drums for producers and artists all over the world from his home studio in Nashville.

While recording is Tim’s main focus, he has also toured with artists like Gloriana, Jana Kramer, Jerrod Nieman, Remedy Drive, Cody Fry, and many others.

In addition to touring and recording, Tim has transcribed projects for Zildjian (Zildjian LIVE! project), Vic Firth (VFjams LIVE!) Percussive Arts Society, the official Aaron Spears Notation Book, Stephen’s Drum Shed, 180 Drums, Ash Soan, and many more.