“You’re Good. Get Better.” Podcast Suggestion Form

Do you have a suggestion for the podcast? Have a particular topic you’d love to hear about on the show? Want to suggest a guest for me to interview?

All your suggestions will serve to make this show better, more entertaining, and more about YOU (the audience that actually listens). Anything you can think of will help tremendously, and I’m so appreciative for the feedback.

Fill out the form below with your suggestions, I can’t wait to read them!

  • If you've listened to the show before and can remember your favorite episode of the show or guest I've had a conversation with - feel free to share it here!
  • I would love to hear your thoughts on episode ideas, topics for future episodes, and who you'd like to hear on the show as a guest.

Want to catch up on the show? Click below to listen on your platform of choice!