Nate Smith | Jose James Solo Transcription


I have been a fan of Nate Smith since at least 2009 when I heard him play with Chris Potter on the “Follow the Red Line” live album. I was blown away. This Nate Smith transcription is from a video that I believe Jose James posted on his Instagram a year or so ago. I have had this solo on YouTube for a while and just never gotten around to posting it somewhere for you all to grab it.

The thing that blows me away about Nate’s playing is how groovy it is. And his ghost notes. If you listen to Nate’s left hand, you won’t believe how much subtle nuance is going on the entire time he is playing. Nate has all the speed in the world, but only chooses to use it in an incredibly sensitive and musical way.

I LOVE Nate Smith’s playing, and have for a long time. It brings me a ton of joy knowing that because of Instagram and his recent NPR performance (which I also have a transcription of), he is starting to become more of a “household name” in the drum community.

Download the sheet music for this transcription below. And GOOD LUCK trying to put as much groove and feeling into those notes as Nate does.

Download the Sheet Music:

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