Jojo Mayer | Performance Spotlight Solo | Fill Notation


Today we have a video with transcription notation for the one and only…Jojo Mayer. Jojo Mayer is one of my favorite drummers so it was impossible for me to resist writing out the notation for this part of the Vic Firth Performance Spotlight drum fill that Jojo plays. The drum fill that is transcribed for this video is Jojo displaying his advanced understanding of meter and time. I consider this drum fill a good example of implied metric modulation. Jojo shifts from playing a 16th-based groove to a sextuplet based fill that extends over the bar and accents odd parts of the beat – making it feel as if the tempo has shifted. 

To cap off the fill Jojo ramps up from 16th triplets to 32nd notes and ends right on beat ‘1’ letting us know the tempo didn’t shift at all, only our perception of the tempo. Download the PDF notation sheet music below and give this a try yourself!

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