I Stole This Fill | Jairo Ubiaño 16th Triplet Fill

Lesson, Transcription

FINALLY a new drum lesson. This is a breakdown of a drum fill I stole from Jairo Ubiaño (with his permission of course). It is a super slick 16th note triplet fill.

Main reasons I love this fill and decided to break it down in a lesson:

  • Starts with the left hand, which leads to several cool orchestration possibilities
  • Snare is on beat 1, which is a favorite of mine
  • It involves an open hi hat, which quickly closes a 16th triplet later with a snare (which is a weird thing I totally love)
  • You can use this fill as a way to play something slick and cool, while maintaining a back beat on 2 and 4

I could go on and on about why I love this fill…but that is what the video lesson is for! Watch the lesson above – and then download the sheet music below.

Download the Sheet Music:

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