How to Record Drums (everything I know)

Lesson, Product Review

Recording drums is DIFFICULT. You have to be an expert at: technology, computers, microphone knowledge, running cables and…oh. Playing drums.

I am on a never-ending journey of improving my recording chops. Because of that, I’ve decided to document some of what I’ve learned/am learning on YouTube. The videos above are a playlist on YouTube of all the videos I’ve uploaded on the topic of recording. Some of what these lessons cover include:

  • Snare mic selection
  • Tom mic selection
  • How to mix
  • Recording with one microphone
  • How to build a recording studio

And MUCH MORE. If you have something you’d love to see a YouTube lesson on, feel free to use the contact form below to send a suggestion my way!

Happy recording.

Have a question I didn’t answer?

I'd love to help. Let's chat.

3 + 11 =