180 Drums Lesson | Fast Singles and Coordination

Lesson, Transcription

The focus of this lesson: single stroke speed and improving your coordination. I recorded this lesson a few years ago at the 180 Drums headquarters and this was one of the things I was most excited to go up and teach with them. I’ll tell you why:

Because this system is a way to work on everything you need to improve your drumming.

Ok. Not EVERYTHING – but almost everything. This system (which you only see a snippet of in this particular lesson) is something I started to develop and use when I was in college. I was studying music in college, and my private teachers were having me work through a TON of rudiments.

Rudiments are great and can improve your hand speed and overall technique, but working on one rudiment for 20 minutes can be mind-numbingly boring. On top of that, while you are spending 20 minutes concentrating on that one rudiment – your feet are doing nothing. I wanted to develop a way to make learning rudiments more interesting, while also working on more than just my hands.

Enter – this drum lesson. This lesson breaks down part of how you can apply a simple (or not so simple) foot pattern under different hand patterns and rudiments to not only improve hand speed, but also work on coordination. Not that you are working two vital skills (hand speed and coordination) at the same time, the 20 minutes you are spending is twice as effective. Such a simple tweak has exponentially improved the effectiveness of my practice time for years.

Check out the video lesson to get a taste for this system, and then download the sheet music below so you can try out some of the examples yourself.

If you are interested in going deeper with this system so you can gain speed, independence, coordination, and more creative fills and grooves you can check out this page. That page has all the details on an eBook and video masterclass I put together on the entire system. Check it out here.


Download the Sheet Music:

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